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Editorial Policy

The CISC website features many opportunities for CISC schools to share news and information. In the light of this, it has become necessary to establish some editorial principles as follows:

Public Statements

From time to time, CISC will publish a position statement on a matter of educational policy or will be invited by the press or national agencies to respond to a story or an emerging policy. The General Secretary is the lead contact for all such statements. Before any public statement is issued the General Secretary will consult with at least the Chair. For matters of CISC policy, the General Secretary will consult with the committee.


CISC publishes five or six newsletters in the course of the academic year. The newsletters will focus on reports from CISC events, including the national conference in January. The newsletters will also prioritise reports and updates from Catholic education and the wider educational community. News for and about CISC members (i.e the heads) will feature prominently. Stories from CISC schools are welcome but these will feature more in the News section of the website. The final editorial control of the newsletter rests with the General Secretary.

News Articles

CISC schools are invited to send press releases and news stories to CISC for consideration for publication on the website. Not every story which is sent in can be published, due to the sheer volume of material received. It is therefore necessary to prioritise stories as follows:

  • News relating to a CISC members (e.g. a retiring head, or new head)
  • News relating to the Catholic mission of the school (e.g. a school retreat or mission, outreach in the community, pilgrimage, special liturgies)
  • News relating to special events in the life of the school (e.g. a foundation anniversary, or a new partnership)
  • News relating to an educational innovation in the school
  • News relating to special achievements by pupils or staff

This list is not exhaustive but gives some indication of the editorial policy which will be applied on receipt of news articles from schools. The final decision rests with the General Secretary.

Privacy Notice and Use of Images

You can read our Data and Protection Policies here.

In submitting press releases and images, schools must ensure proper, demonstrable consent regarding the submission of pupils’ or staff’s work, images and names to CISC. This consent must be available on request by CISC if required. 

Leadership Reflections

This blog will feature articles by senior leaders in our schools reflecting on their experience of leadership. Guest writers and commentators from outside of CISC will also be invited to contribute from time to time. The purpose of the blog is to increase the intellectual capacity in the Catholic educational sector by providing a public platform for reflections.

In partnership with the Network for Researchers in Catholic Education, articles will be welcome for consideration which summarise and signpost the latest research and thinking in Catholic education. Fees cannot be paid for work published. Final editorial control for all articles in this section rests with the General Secretary.