Ursuline Prep School prepare for Lent
The Ursuline Prep School community has been preparing for Lent by having a wonderful afternoon of Pancake Races. The whole school came together and the challenge was set. Each house had a frying
pan with a pancake in, with each child racing for points and flipping pancakes for a few extra! The children were all involved, from Pre-reception class right up to Upper 2 class. St. Andrew’s House took the trophy for the most points gained.
Children from Pre-Reception upwards and staff gathered together to mark the beginning of Lent in their Ash Wednesday service, which was led by Fr Gary. The service reflected on repentance, thinking of others and preparing for the joy of Easter, with Fr Gary highlighting the three aspects that we need to focus on during the coming weeks: prayer; doing something extra to help others and giving something up. Upper Two assisted in leading the liturgy and read beautifully; the younger children responded enthusiastically to Fr Gary’s homily.
The school community received ashes on their foreheads with the words, ‘Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel’.
It’s always so lovely to share news from our schools so do keep sending it in!