Action in the world: busy young bakers take inspiration from the bible
Kilgraston’s Junior School pupils have decided to practice what was preached.
Taking inspiration from Head of Religious Education Stephen Johnston’s lesson on the Kingdom of God and Pope Francis’ message on ‘action in the world’, the young pupils raised an impressive £161 from a break-time bake sale for the Relief Fund for Hurricane Dorian.
“Our Head of Junior years, Grace, came up with the idea of a bake sale to help those who had lost everything,” commented Mr Johnston, “after hearing the words of Pope Francis, about the hidden power of the small seed, they were inspired to take action.”
The devastating cyclone recently ripped through the Bahamas and East Coast America, causing mass devastation and leaving many thousands homeless.
Speaking at the Vatican City in June 2018, Pope Francis pointed to the parable of the seeds in the day’s Gospel reading from Mark. He explained to the assembled pilgrims present in St. Peter’s Square, during his Sunday Angelus address, that both in the past and today, the Kingdom of God “grows in the world in a mysterious and surprising way, awakening the hidden power of the small seed and its victorious vitality. Inside the wounds of personal and social events which at times seem to mark the shipwreck of hope, we must remain confident in the subdued but powerful action of God.”
Commenting on moments of darkness and difficulty Pope Francis said: “We must not break down, but remain anchored to the fidelity of God and to his presence, which always saves…Remember this: God always saves, he’s the saviour.”
Jesus’ teaching on the Kingdom of God, demonstrated that he wanted people to show love, justice and goodness to each other and build a more caring society. “I asked the girls to think of how they could show compassion and thoughtfulness to others,” said Mr Johnston, “they responded with this wonderful idea, baking the cakes, advertising and marketing the sale. I am very proud of all of them,” he concluded.
Pictured: Pupils from Kilgraston’s Junior Years in the School Chapel with Head of Religious Education at the School, Mr Stephen Johnston
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