Joyful Confirmation Celebration at Woldingham
On Friday 27th February, 23 Woldingham students received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Patrick O’Donoghue. Over the course of six weeks the candidates met with the Chaplain Fr. Gerry Devlin and members of staff Mr Ross and Mrs Frisby to prepare for their Confirmation as they shared together their Christian commitment and what it means to bear witness to our personal faith by serving the Lord joyfully and generously.
The Confirmation Mass was an uplifting occasion which was made beautiful by the music of the Amaris Choir under the direction of Mr Hargreaves and Mr Dyer, the Confirmation students took part in the liturgy as readers and altar servers.
Bishop Patrick congratulated the students in their decision to be confirmed in the Catholic Church and challenged them to act as a witness by their words and example.
After Mass, family, friends, fellow students and staff members gathered together for a reception and everyone agreed that it was a very inspiring celebration.